Since the mid
1960s , the theory of the architecture has become a truly interdisciplinary ;
rely on a broad range of critical paradigm .
This moderenisme improvement project , presented as a new theory for Making Architecture , run from the standpoint of political paradigms , ethics , linguistics , aesthetics , and fenomonologi . Theory Type Theory can be classified in several attitudes by subject : namely prescriptive , proskriptif , affirmative , or critical .
Prescriptive theory offers a new settlement or turned on again for a special issue ; serves to define a new norm for the practice . So this raises a standard or even a design method . Can be critical ( radical inclined ) or the affirmative of the status quo ( conservative ) . Proskritif theory , which offers a standard state what is avoided in the design . Good architecture or urbanism proskriptif defined in terms of the absence of a negative nature .
This moderenisme improvement project , presented as a new theory for Making Architecture , run from the standpoint of political paradigms , ethics , linguistics , aesthetics , and fenomonologi . Theory Type Theory can be classified in several attitudes by subject : namely prescriptive , proskriptif , affirmative , or critical .
Prescriptive theory offers a new settlement or turned on again for a special issue ; serves to define a new norm for the practice . So this raises a standard or even a design method . Can be critical ( radical inclined ) or the affirmative of the status quo ( conservative ) . Proskritif theory , which offers a standard state what is avoided in the design . Good architecture or urbanism proskriptif defined in terms of the absence of a negative nature .
Publications are also run through Exhibitions .
Exhibition affect the spread of postmodern architectural theory .
The third exhibition at MOMA is a deconstructive architecture in 1988 . Some architects rejected the label deconstructive . Dekonstruktifisme special label to showcase provocative . Dekonstruktifisme reflect two sources that affect the type of work that is displayed postmodern : a philosophical deconstruction Derrida and Russian constructivism . Of the group who exhibited Eisenamannn and Tscumi closest to the deconstructionist position with an emphasis on criticism and peeling kedisiplinan.Gehry limits and Hool historicsm contrary to the postmodern , metaphysical and concrete
With increasing publicity theory architects , and postmodernism exhibition are characterized by the presence of additional teorikal paradigm or ideological framework , the structure is still being debated . Seen from the other side , which is a major paradigm theory architects form which is a phenomenon , beauty , body language theory ( Semiotics , structuralism , poststructuralism , and deconstruction ) , Marxism , and feminism .
Phenomenology is the truth of the theory of architecture on the method of philosophy . Where the threat is based on the philosophical postmodern habit through the place , the views , and the manufacture of which sometimes seem excessive and can not be questioned . In recent theoretical speculations of philosophy shown , by making the body's problems in the interaction with the environment .
In 1950 , where Martin Gaston Bachelard Heidgger and it is possible to translate a job , start thinking fenomenologikal architecture does not depend on the formality and put the ground work for the sudden beauty . Phenomenology criticized the logic of scientists , through thinking ( optimism about the benefits of the method of scientists that can be associated with humanity ) have positive and rated dielevasikan , which appear as postmodernist rethink into modernity with only a slight desire enthusiasts .
Posts Heidgger based motivation concerns about the inability of modern man to reflect on life as a human , he argued , a kind of reflection that defines a human condition . Fenomenologikal one very influential on architecture is Building Dwelling Thinking , in which Heidgger write the relationship between buildings , housing , human , construction , and savings . By investigating the etymology of the word Bauen ( building ) Heidgger rediscover ancient connotations and meanings that convey broad potential welfare . Residence is defined as ' a place to stay ' . While the object is an element that collects ' four functions ' of earth , air , living things , and gods . Through his essay , Heidgger concluded that the language of a thought form , while thought and poetry needed a place to stay .
Christian Norberg - Schulz Heidgger interpreted the concept of residence as being in a peaceful place in the space protected . He argued , the potential of architecture to support the shelter : " The primary purpose of architecture is to make the world visible . Can be likened to an object , and the world is brought to the surface consists of what is available . " Critique of Norway appears with the connection between architecture and place of residence . Norberg - Sshulz extensively researched , and considered as an architectural phenomenology , that is , pay attention to the ' concrete space ' through the whole place . Teknoik aspects of architecture plays a role , especially concrete details , which Norberg - Schulz said " describe the environment and make manifest the character . "
Phenomenology in architecture requires attention in the liberation of how things are made . As Mies said " God is detail . " Effects of this thinking is recognized as the basic elements of the architecture ( walls , floors , walls , etc. , as a barrier or burden ) but also pointed towards reshaped interest in the sensual qualities of natural materials, light , colors and symbols , it is significant to be combined .
Perez - Gomez said , by developing the concept Heidgger the residence to allow ' orientation where ' , the introduction of the culture , and the relationship with history .
Phenomenology Finnish , Juhani Pallasmoa , defines the architecture of the physical . " The opening of the second view into the reality of perceptions , dreams , forgotten memory and imagination . " This is a perfect thinking about the ' silent architecture ' abstract . While Pallasmoa investigate parallel in the Freudian unconscious , forming a sublime architecture while .
Painters always wrestled with the question of what the general intent and purpose of art actually was . Why the hell ? What the art without necessarily so carcasses ? Or toothless ? But since the invention of photography , the problem became more apparent and more urgent . Clearly , the goal is not simply plagiarizing painter landscapes . Clever - clever painters like anything else is not going to be able to match the portrait , both the good and cheap . Therefore , a series of experiments over a century people have been initiated to confirm functionality and affordability painting something . In this movement , the most daring , most innovative, far - away break away from the sheer art of the ordinary , and that by itself the most influential , is Pablo Picasso .
Picasso art style is admired for her imagination , vitality and sensitivity to the outside world . Picasso is a central figure in the development of " Cubism , " and he is also famous because of brain brilliance and technical ability . Generally, he is recognized as a major figure in modern art and one of the most liked the novelty of all artists of all time .
Picasso has the ability to be perfect in terms of painting a realistic picture . when he feels like it needs to be : but , more often again he chose ruffled and varying the face of an object . Once upon a time she said . " If I want to paint the cup , will show you that the circular shape ; , but it's something common rhythms and construction painting forcing me to take the name suggests it as a round square . "
Pablo Ruiz Picasso (October 25, 1881-8 April 1973) was a renowned artist in Cubism and is known as a revolutionary painter in the 20th century . The genius of art is competent to make sculpture , graphics , ceramics , costume ballet dancers to the stage . Born in Malaga , Spain October 25, 1881 with full name Pablo ( or El Pablito ) Diego Jose Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin de los Remedios Cipriano Crispiniano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco y Picasso López . His father named Josse Ruiz Blasco , an art professor and his mother was Maria Picasso Lopez .
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